We guide museums and experiential venues on their path to increased sustainability in their business operations, advising them on the introduction of sustainability management schemes.


Sustainability management for museums is a customised toolkit tailored to the specific needs of museums.


We support you in the quest to improve the overall societal impact of museums in terms of sustainable development.



Strategic sustainability management for museums

As a competent partner, we provide you with strategic advice on how to implement sustainability throughout your museum operations.

Strategic sustainability management is holistically put on a par with change management and structured in line with conventional departments of museum operations. In light of the respective status quo and objectives, we use tailored instruments such as the Balanced Scorecard and refer to common standards such as the ISO environmental management standard or the EMAS eco audit.

Energy costs, ecological footprint and monitoring

Energy savings constitute the single biggest area of opportunity when it comes to reducing museums’ operating costs – primarily by increasing energy efficiency. We assist institutions with their status quo analysis, discuss the limitations of data collection and the importance of life cycle analysis. Based on these foundations, we advise our partners on successful approaches to energy saving.

This tends to be the first step towards the creation of CO2 balance sheets and determining the ecological footprint of a museum.

Sustainable programming

The topic of sustainability often takes a back seat to ecological or building-oriented aspects in museum programming ­­– we can help you change this.

Together, we develop guidelines for sustainable programming, thereby unlocking visitors’ potential for social change.

Museum education and education for sustainable development

We apply the competence approach of „Education for Sustainable Development“ to typical teaching-learning situations in the museum context.

Our consultancy is based on international evaluation findings on effectiveness and is targeted towards integrating „Education for Sustainable Development“ within museums’ educational components – significantly enhancing museums’ educational impact.

Reporting and certification

We provide assistance with indicator-based sustainability monitoring and, in consultation, prepare a sustainability report, e.g. in accordance with the German Sustainability Code or Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

On the grounds of this sustainability reporting, we advise our partners on targeted sustainability communication.

Impact orientation and measurement of social impact

Together, we focus on the specific societal challenges which individual museums would like to address and help solve.

Depending on the issue at hand, we develop an appropriate analysis tool, measure the impact and derive suggestions for improvement. The goal is to integrate impact planning within the museum as a whole.

Arrange a non-binding consultation



Museum sustainability is an extensive field requiring in-depth technical knowledge with regards to subprocess optimization. To this end, we collaborate with a vast network of experts who contribute their individual expertise to the overall process.

We regularly consult experts, particularly on issues relating to buildings, energy and CO2 emissions, collection management and conservation, as well as sustainable finance.

Beratung nachhaltige Museen