Dr. Christopher Garthe
I develop concepts for exhibitions related to sustainability topics and advise museums on their path to increased operational sustainability.
At studio klv, I am Director for Concept Development for exhibitions, museums and science centres. In addition, I work as a consultant for sustainability management in museums and experiential venues.
I am passionate about…
Education for Sustainable Development in exhibitions
Sustainability management for museums and science centres
Interactive exhibitions as an instrument driving corporate CSR strategy
‘Participative scientific society‘ as a building block of sustainable development
Visitor centres in national parks as an instrument driving broader acceptance
Natural history museums as institutions for negotiating ‚Global Futures‘
Publications | BOOKs ANd ARTICLES
Garthe, C.: The sustainable museum. How Museums Contribute to the Great Transformation. 260 pages. Routledge 2022.
Garthe, C.: On the importance of the cultural sector for a societal transformation. In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 4/2022. Doi: 10.14512/OEW370414
Garthe, C.: Sustainability Management in Museums. A New Approach to Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. In: ICOM Voices 2020.
Garthe, C.: The Natural Futures Museums – Interactivity and Participation in Museums of Natural History. In: Dorfman, E.: The Future of the National History Museum, Routledge 2017.
Garthe, C.: Future Challenges for Interpretation in Exhibitions. In Interpret Europe Newsletter 4-2017.
Garthe, C.; Peter, M.: Engagement for a Sustainable Future – Education for Sustainable Development as a Concept for Science Centres and Museums. In: Spokes magazine 04/2014.
I am regularly invited to speak and participate in panel discussions.
I also coordinate sessions and participatory workshops at national and international conferences.
European Network Science Centres & Museums (ECSITE) General Conference, Heilbronn 2022
Impulse and panel session “#ESD2030: How the whole-institution approach supports operational sustainability”
International Council of Museums (ICOM) Germany, Annual Conference, Berlin 2022. Impulse and panel session “Museums change behavior”
- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna 2022
Panel on “Ecologically Responsible Curating and Exhibition-Making” - International Council of Museums (ICOM) IMREC Museum and Sustainability Conference, Shanghai 2021
Impulse and panel session “Sustainability in the Museum Sphere” - ICOM DEMHIST Conference “Sustainability in Historic House Museums”, Amersfoort 2021
Keynote and workshop “Awareness and Sustainability” - International symposium “From Climate Knowledge to Climate Action”, Klimahaus Bremerhaven 2020
Lecture “The Great Transformation and the Relevance of Museums. How Museums contribute to Systemic Change.”
Chair/moderation of session “Climate Museums and their Approaches around the World.”
- Down to Earth – Klima Kunst Diskurs unplugged (“Climate Art Discourse Unplugged”), Gropius-Bau, Berlin 2020
Presentation “Was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit in Museen?” („What does Museum Sustainability mean?”)
Podium discussion
- International Council of Museums (ICOM) General Conference, Milan 2016
Lecture “Die Internationale Naturausstellung als neues Ausstellungsformat” (The International Nature Exhibition as a New Exhibition Format”).
- European Network Science Centres & Museums (ECSITE) General Conference, Trento 2015
Lecture “Using Interactive Experiences to communicate Nature.”
- Science Center World Summit, Mechelen 2014
Chair of Session: “Communicating Research on Sustainability”
- European Network Science Centres & Museums (ECSITE) General Conference, Gothenburg 2013
Lecture “Education for Sustainable Development. An Approach for Science Centres?”
I am happy to pass on my knowledge in university teaching assignments and further training sessions for museum staff.
In order to inspire the greatest possible audience to drive change, I develop training modules and develop participatory workshops for different target groups.
University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
“Sustainable Visitor centers”
Author and lecturer
- University of Freiburg
“Sustainability Management for Museums”
Development and implementation of the Blended Learning module since 2018, for museOn | weiterbildung & netzwerk
Bavarian Museum Academy and Bavarian Association of Museum Education
Guest lecture “Nachhaltigkeit im Museumssektor” (“Sustainability in the Museum Sector“)
University of Freiburg
Module “Kommunikation und Bildung im Naturschutz“ (“Communication and Education in Nature Conservation“)
I am active in networks and committees promoting social transformation through exhibitions and museums.
Deutscher Museumsbund (German Museum Association)
Within the German Museum Association, I am committed to the professional development of sustainability topics in the German museum sector.
European Network Science Centres & Museums
I am a member of the NATURE Group of ECSITE, which sees science centres, science museums, natural history museums, research institutes, universities, aquariums and zoos enjoy intense collaboration.
International Committee for Museums of Natural History
I am active in the International Committee for Natural History Museums (NATHIST). NATHIST advocates the protection of biodiversity in collections and nature and promotes environmental education and education for sustainable development.